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Cocaine / Crack


If you need help in regaining your life and putting an end to your Cocaine related misuse in a welcoming and confidential environment, Ciconia Recovery is here to support you. At Ciconia Recovery, let our experienced staff assess and create a tailor-made recovery plan that best suits your needs and your lifestyle. It’s never too late to be clean and free.

Cocaine and Crack Addiction Treatment

What is cocaine?

Cocaine is an illicit drug with street names like coke, crack, white, sniff, snow, rocks and many more depending on the area people live in. It is commonly used for recreational purposes (Parties, clubbing, concerts, etc..) but can lead to more severe dependencies.

Cocaine can manipulate the user’s mind into feeling more alive, confident, happy and chattier by changing the way the brain releases Dopamine into a users’ system; Cocaine can also increase sexual desire but taking too much Cocaine can reduce your sex drive.

There are three types of Cocaine:

  1. Cocaine which looks like a fine powder
  2. Crack which looks like small rocks
  3. Freebase, which looks like a crystallised powder.

It is generally snorted in its powder form but can also be injected and smoked in all its forms. It can take from a few minutes for its effects to start accumulating or instantly if injected or smoked causing the brain to develop intense feelings of pleasure.

Many users can spiral into a serious cycle of life-destroying misuse due to the drug’s short-lived high especially with Crack whose intense high may only last for 2 minutes, enticing the user in wanting and returning for more and more at much more frequent intervals as their cravings increase.

This can lead individuals into taking unnecessary risks while under the influence of Cocaine in all its forms. Many users can become overconfident and reckless which can cause them to engage in high-risk behaviour to the detriment of themselves and others around them.

Also, in the long term, behavioural changes are likely to occur; the users may find themselves committing a crime or lying to loved ones to maintain their misuse to Cocaine.

cocaine addiction treatment
cocaine addiction treatment

Some users can become so occupied with the drug that their whole lives get engulfed by it, inevitably risking their careers, reputations and relationships.

The risk of overdose is extremely high for cocaine addicts, especially with polydrug use or injecting.

The intense cravings they experience often lead them to escalate their usage within a short period.

Since cocaine is a stimulant, increased usage often leads to some of the bodily functions being overstimulated which can significantly increase the risk to the users health, some of these symptoms include raised body temperature, high blood pressure, breathing problems and other more severe symptoms that can eventually lead to cardiac arrest, organ failure or in some cases death


  • Blood Borne Viruses BBV’s and Vein damage from IV use.
  • Psychosis, Depression, anxiety, paranoia.
  • Crack lung.
  • Agitation.
  • Nausea, weight loss due to loss of hunger.
  • Risk of overdose with polydrug use or injecting.
  • Breathing problems, Irregular heartbeat Cardiac arrest.
  • Cartilage damage to your nose.
  • In pregnant users can cause miscarriage, damage the baby, premature labour and low birth weight.
  • Financial problems.
cocaine addiction treatment


Who will I speak to when I call?

Experienced recovery workers who are compassionate, experienced and knowledgeable about substance misuse and mental health issues, they will be happy to take your call and discuss all your queries in a discreet and confidential manner. And if needed they will offer you a free video consultation with a psychiatrist.

How much does treatment cost?

At CRL we endeavour to keep our costs as low as possible whilst at the same time continuing to  provide high quality care. The cost of treatment varies depending on the level of care needed and the length of the treatment plan required.

The best way to ascertain this cost would be to speak to one of our experienced recovery workers to determine what treatment plan will be the most effective for you in achieving your desired goals.

Does insurance cover mental health or addictive treatment?

Some private health insurance companies cover the treatment, you will have to check your policy to see if you qualify.

Does insurance cover adult ADHD assessment or treatment?

Yes, most private health insurance companies cover the treatment, you will have to check your policy to see if you qualify.

Do you only treat substance misuse?

No, in addition to our drug and alcohol treatment packages, we also treat a wide range of mental health disorders, some of which may be associated with the individual’s substance misuse and dependency, these include treatment for personality disorders, anxiety, depression, adult ADHD and PTSD amongst other disorders.

What if I need a detox?

We offer a wide range of options for smooth and painless detox thanks to our new provided medications (i.e. long-acting buprenorphine monthly injections). If this is something you are interested in, please call us to discuss which is more suitable for you.

The main emphasis in our detox programs is to provide as much comfort and support while doing our best to minimise any withdrawal symptoms the individual may experience throughout their recovery. Many users recognise they need help and support to get clean but fear the consequences of withdrawals, we have created detox plans to greatly reduce the unpleasant effects of withdrawals.

Do your programs offer aftercare?

Yes, we will continue to support clients after they have completed treatment either by us or elsewhere by offering a wide range of aftercare programs, studies have shown that people have a much better chance of avoiding relapse if they are engaged in aftercare programs. Please get in touch to discuss the best aftercare options for yourself.

Is smoking permitted?

No, this is a medical facility and smoking is not permitted at all.

Do you treat trauma?

Yes, our staff are specially trained in trauma, grief/loss and attachment, we know very well the negative impact these can have on someone’s mental health which can then trigger alcohol/drug misuse and other negative behavioural health challenges.

Among our treatment approaches to trauma is EMDR therapy which is very effective in easing and treating PTSD.

What is outpatient care?

Outpatient care is less intensive than inpatient care. The patient will usually attend regular meetings with a consultant psychiatrist, counsellor, therapist or key-worker where they will be given similar treatments to those in an inpatient clinic. However, as the patient does not stay overnight, the cost of this care is less expensive.

Outpatient programmes consist of daily, weekly or monthly sessions. Because outpatient treatment requires less time in-attendance, the entire recovery programme generally lasts longer than inpatient care. While inpatient treatment typically lasts for a period of six to eight weeks, an outpatient programme can last many months.

Who is outpatient treatment suitable for?

Outpatient treatment is suitable for individuals who have been struggling with addiction but may benefit from a less intensive approach to recovery than inpatient care.

CRL staff are available to offer helpful advice and information on all types of addiction and the most suitable treatment options. If you would like a referral to a counsellor, therapist or consultant psychiatrist for outpatient treatment, call us today. We can also provide support and advice to the loved ones of those struggling with addiction, as well as information on the treatments we provide and how these can be accessed.

Our staff are compassionate and caring and will treat anything you discuss in the strictest of confidence. If you need advice on addiction, or simply need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to call us.

Are your staff qualified?

All CRL staff are qualified for their specific roles with many years of experience in working in the addiction and mental health fields. In addition all our staff are always up to date with all their relevant training and registrations.


Our clinical team is happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
Fill in the form below with your details, and we will get back to you very soon.